Monday, February 19, 2007

Argentina - Itinerary

In conjunction with my plans I have posted a map of Argentina so you can follow and understand my route.

My trip plans are as follows:
Feb 26 - leave Ottawa at 7 pm and fly to Toronto. I leave Toronto for Buenos Aires(BA) at 11:15 pm and arrive in BA around 1 pm the following day.

Feb 27, 28, March 1, 2 - tour BA, get focused on my holiday and get info on the rest of my trip. I hope to take a 1 hour flight around the city of BA. I will visit all interesting point in BA, learn the Tango, enjoy the food and learn about the people.

Mar 2, 3, 4 - Leave BA and head for Iguazu Falls by car. this area is called Misiones. Spend most of my time while i am in Iguazu falls enjoying the falls and taking plenty of pictures. Travel time to the falls is estimated at about 10 hours. The road follows some interesting country side and the river that stems from the falls.

Mar 4 - turn my car around and head via some country side roads etc towards Mendoza. Mendoza is the winde capitol of Argentina. I will be arriving there at the end of the week long wine festival. I hope to visit at least one vineyard while i am there. Population of Mendoza is 1 million.

Mar 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - Follow the famous higway 40 that runs along the Patagonia mountains range. Take in some treks, villages, people, food, pictures and visit the famous glaciers and the area known as the lake area. Also along this area there are some the great ski areas where most of the snow that falls there is powder. This should bring me to Bariloche.

Mar 9, 10 , 11 - In Bariloche I will fly to Ushuaia. This is the southern most city in the world. From here you are still 1000 km from Anartica. This city has some great scenery with mountain ranges with many bays.

Mar 10, 11 - Back to Bariloche and drive towards the east side of Argentina to take in some whale watching. This should bring me to the Valdez Penisula.

Mar 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 - I will drive along the Atlantic coast of Argentina focusing on small towns, farms and as I get closer to Mer Del Plata take in some sun at some of Argentina’s famous beaches.

So there you go everyone. I hope you will visit my site as I tour around the wonderful country.


Anonymous said...


La revue sommaire de ton itinéraire suscite notre curiosité. Je suis convaincu que ton séjour en terre sud-américaine sera rempli de péripétie plus cocasse les uns que les autres. De plus, nous pourrons profiter de ce site pour te rappeler les réalités quotidiennes des projets dont tu es imparti.

Sois assuré que nous garderons amplement de travail pour ton réveil dans la capitale nationale d’ici quelques semaines.

Bonne vacance!!!

Have fun!!!

ITellYa-PB said...

Ahhh!!!...deja un commentaire anonyme!!!


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Paul,

Bien voilà...tu y es...Un monde différent s'ouvre à toi dans toutes ses splendeurs. Je t'encourage à le découvrir avec ton coeur et ton âme afin d'emmagasiner les plus beaux souvenirs possibles. Le compte rendu de tes découvertes que tu inscrira sur ce site me permettera de vivre et de partager, d'une certaine façon, ta grande aventure. Je te souhaite que ton séjour en terre nouvelle soit à la hauteur de tes espérances et de ton rêve. Un chaleureux merci pour la pensée avant ton départ du Canada. Vies, savoures, impreignes toi de chaque moment.

Grosse bise,

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Paul!
bienvenu au plaisir des voyages en avion. Ce n'est que le début de ton aventure. Profite bien de chaque moment, de chaque rencontre, de chaque rayon de soleil, mais aussi de chaque petites mésaventures... c'est ce qui rend les choses plus intéressantes!


Anonymous said...

Guten nacht!
(Oups! conflit de continent!)

Je suis en constante négociation et, j'essaie d'user de tout mon pouvoir de persuasion, envers le Ottawa Citizen, afin de les dissuader de publier une série d'articles, dès ton retour d'Argentine, sur "another trip that would be interesting" que l'enfer! (rires)

Bien quoi? Des fois que ça piquerait ta curiosité pour y repartir! (Surtout que j'ai apprise, de source non-vérifiée, que c'est le paradis des golfeurs comme toi...!)

