Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Saturday....Moving Day!!!

Picked up the car and started the driving leg of my holiday. Always nervous about driving in a foreign country. Road signs, habits of other drivers and what about my habits??? Oh well a good map and some quick decisions got me on the road towards Iguazu. The drive was long and memorable. Not much to see on the way there flat terrain and long straight roads. I mean straight….how about 20 km straight with out a curve One good thing speed!!! And no policia. It reminded me a bit of the movie Road Warrior (Mel Gibson).

Arriving towards Iguazu was fantastic. Some interesting mountains with amazing greenery. Abvundance of vast forest lands and vegetation. Full moon guided me to Iguazu. I am fond of a full moon and especially if I get to see it rise from the horizon. Pulling into Iguazu was something else. From N/A standards….it failed…not bright….not clean…..not a show case place. It’s a poor area struggling to serve a million visitor a years to a site you would think could be a Disney area for Argentina. No I am saying it should be but it could be better than what it is. If I could tell you how many buses I saw in the small town…you would not believe me.

Here is some of the poñitics about the site…..first discovered 1934….names world site in 1984…recognized by President in 1992 that they got the world status. He laided a plaque that year. Why did it take so long and why does the government here not care….This is an incredible site….its one of their treasures to the world and its ours to enjoy. Other then the falls you can watch everyone here drive around on dirt bikes. Finally at the end of the day Sunday, an article that I saw 6 months ago in the paper to the day became a reality…the falls, the full moon and my destiny.

Yes we did drive into the falls.....that was quite the pleasure and very refreshing for a day that was 38C


Headed towards Mendozza as planned at that what I thought, clear blue skies ready to see more….well I would of never thought I would enjoy, hate, love and practically discouraged my way through this day. Political interference day for me started early. Driving along the highway I came upon a construction area well I have seen many of those in my days…a bit of a delay I figured…ok 10 minutes…..and then I realized everyone in line is walking up to see whats going on. I saw a tall men walking back and I knew he spoke english ….but not really he was German and spoke some English. He was a Program Manager for Forestry development. He told me the logging industry is fighting for more money so today they block the road. Okay I am brave here after talking to German guy…..i drive up and policia tells me no go and turn around….he explains other ruta to get around this problem. Well the new ruta was pretty blah blah blah . Not much to see just trees trees …gee did I say trees!!!

Ok I got lost wrong road….smart thinking ….back on right road but this time I wish I could replay the video tape in my head to you all. I was showered with butterflies….and I mean colorful butterflies…butterflies…butterflies….too bad so many became part of my trip. But the road and trees created an umbrella over the road….it was fantastic. That was something to see. Drove through a number of small towns and saw kids heading off the school….school….first day back for them today….oh god is it September 5th???

Gee I missed my golf season already…..by the way I did not see nay golf courses here in this part of the country but many soccer fields.

Ok I travelled from one province to another and at some borders crossings they have policia protecting and monitoring vehicles and trucks. This area is bodered with Brazil, Unraguay and Paraquay. Drub trafficking is still very active here. So I get the pull over from the policia at one stop. Show me papers, drivers license, registration, rental contract, get out of car, show me trunk, what is red bag in trunk, okay get back in car, he calls over buddy…one of 4 of them standing there, other cars get waved through….guy who first talked to me walks towards house and this huge guy steps out he must have been 7 feet tall, boots …hat and with his body guard some short guy…..he got to drive the car as they left….he just laughed and waved the guy back.

He stood there looking at me and I told him I was French Canadian and I spoke both french and English and then….poof…..you can go!!!….that SOB was doing his job.


Anonymous said...

God eftermiddag!
(Oups! wrong continent...)

Just in case you can't read local newspapers...

Une alerte rouge vient d'être décrétée par les pays frontaliers à l'Argentine (Chili, Bolivie, Uruguay & Paraguay). L'état d'urgence est instaurée et les habitants sont priés de se protéger contre une pluie de projectiles non-identifiés qui s'abattra sur eux de façon aléatoire...
Dis donc, comment ont-ils su que tu t'apprêtais à jouer au golf?

Annika S.

Anonymous said...

Hey Paul,
je viens tout juste de lire tes dernières lignes. Ça me donne vraiment envie de faire mon sac aussi... un café ici, une rencontre là...
Rien à voir avec la course au boulot pour se réchauffer du -42 de ce matin!

Sophie la voisine :-)